Saturday, March 26, 2011

my alternative (online) universe.

For those who don't know about China's online world there are basically 3 things things you need to know.

1. China has about as many people online as the US has people.

2. China has a firewall. And it blocks pretty much everything we use on an everyday basis in the states. Okay that might be an exaggeration, but basically no facebook, twitter, youtube and most blogs. If you want to see what is blocked, check here.

3. Yet how has China appeased all of it's netizens? China has a pretty much all the same stuff that the US has... kind of. China has a copy of each popular program that the US has.
For example:
a. They blocked facebook, and then suddenly this website called Xiao Nei 校内网 appeared. (now called Ren Ren 人人网).
b. Youtube was blocked and then I learned about Youku.
c. Tweeting in China? Forget it. But you can always micro blog! 微博 (wēi bó)
d. Did I mention Google?? yeah they have Baidu.

So what is an American in China to do? Fight it with VPNs or proxies? Or... just join them?

Here is my renren and microblog accounts. Now I just have to find a way to link my facebook with my renren and my twitter with my microblog...

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