Sunday, March 13, 2011


I am still not in the habit of weekly blogging. I was once reading a site that talked about how to maintain a good blog. I think out of all the recommendations given I did... none. But I will try to keep to one: Voice.

I was talking to my fellow expat teachers and we were discussing how our everyday activities might actually be interesting. I have been in this country to close to 7 years now and I forget how different every little step of life is here my home in the states.

So, for example, in the winter this is my common day walking to class:

As I come out my revolving door to tear-causing, then tear-freezing cold air, I slide on the black ice / frozen snow to class as I narrowly miss cars and bikes that, while also sliding on the same mix of ice and snow, are engaged in their constant game of "how close can I get to you while I pass you" that is common of these Northeast China streets.

As I balance my coffee, overstuffed bag (my students always comment on how the foreign teachers bring too much stuff to class), and whatever third object I always seem to be taking to class for some reason, I think through the days lessons as I walk through the small frozen park that sits in between my apartment building and the main building on campus. I am usually in front of or following a local teacher who seems to always be wearing the highest heels I've ever seen...on the ice and snow. If following, I always am asking my self, “It is a cultural faux pas to pass her or not?”

After passing her (this is usually my course of action... I blame driving in LA for 4 years), I find myself in the main teaching building asking the elevator operator (actually he just makes sure that students take the stairs) if he has eaten. He always has. After the awkward elevator entry and exit with other teachers. (You have to make sure you let the older and higher position teachers get off first. Who knew Confucian principles applied to the elevator?) I get to my best part of the day... the moment I walk into the classroom and see my students. They are usually waiting with smiles and then proceed to tell me I need to wear more clothes and I drink too much coffee.

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