Wednesday, March 25, 2009


After this Saturday is over I am awaiting a big sigh of relief. It has been a quiet month. A month where everyone here is waiting to exhale. Peaceful yes, restful hardly. Although my classes seem to be going on as normal. I have actually really enjoyed my time in the classroom. My schedule differs from my former Schedule in Northeast China in that I get to see my students twice a week rather then just once. I feel I get to know them better and a lot faster. I am still working on finding ways where they feel more welcome to come to my place and hang out. In the meantime the basketball court seems to be our common place of interest where we can hang out.

In other news... I am an uncle! Chloe Katherine Halligan was born last week weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz. My brother and sister-in-law are finally back at home (hopefully getting some rest). I got to video skype with them, it is just so unreal seeing my bro with his new daughter. Can't wait to see them.

Chloe Sleeping

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Students Day One of teaching

Some Student Quotes from intro class hand out:
Some funny, other just revealing some of their interests.

"I like suffering the internet"
(been there)
"I like green colour, doing sports and reading << harry potter >>"
(Britain strikes again)
"I like reading, playing badminton and going rollerblading"
(rollerblading... they know the word rollerblading? A+ for this student)
"I want to learn more knowledge"
"I want to learn English gramme"
(how about spelling?)
"I like listing Music and soft internet and go out"
(makes sense to me)
"I want to learn how to cook coffee"
(that's a true sign of being my student... grammar's not quite correct but at least they have their priorities strait)

Second Class coming tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Teaching Tomorrow

This has been a strange week. The mood been unsure. Yet life moves on as usual. Last night around midnight I heard singing of traditional songs. That was the first time I had heard songs this holiday season. Kinda strange for a New Year.

Tonight I am lesson planning, getting my grade sheets all figured out, and putting on another layer of paint in my living room. It is getting close but painting always take longer then you expect. So my apartment is still a mess but the end is somewhat near... hopefully.

I am excited to see my students and co-teachers. We will see what this semester brings.