But in the meantime, classes have begun and October Holiday is over. Today started out well and I always like spending time with my students. I have been introducing two or three new songs a class so my students can hear a variety of music and hear someone else speaking English. I am still afraid the songs are too fast. Any ideas for songs? With slow, easy to understand lyrics?
October Holiday ended well. Six of us went up to a valley and went camping friday through Saturday. The weather was beautiful and the scenery was amazing.... It starts to become the norm, beautiful scenery. But it is still breathtaking each chance I get to experience it.

Our new teacher Kelly joined us and loved the Yaks. We started to call her the Yak wisperer. If we didn't know where she was she was usually chasing the yaks around the valley. Someday they let you pet them, someday Kelly.

Well I need to do some grading I didn't quite get to before the break...
what about the hokey pokey? or something by jack? or baby shark? i always revert to songs with hand motions from camp. sorry.