Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Snow and Fire

I made back to Lhasa yesterday after a flyby cancellation and having to spend one more day in Chengdu. The airline put us up for the night and fed us so at least I got some good sleep and full belly out of the deal. But yesterday on our second attempt we made it! I was accompanied by Heidi and the new teacher Bethany so at least we had some company for our day of useless travels. We got in around 2 p.m. and were able to make it for a sticks hot-pot birthday party for Craig. This is basically what is sounds like, the food is on the end of sticks and you put it in a hot-pot. Pretty ingenious really. We were all pretty tired so we called it a early night... until midnight. Then the fireworks started. I was in and out of sleep all night (probably from the altitude not the fireworks) but they seemed to last all night. As I woke up this morning I was pleased to find the ground covered with snow.(as fireworks continued to go off in the distance)

The just says a few things to me:
1. I am back! Vacation is officially over.
2. Losar has begun (Tibetan New Year)
3. And winter is still here... burr.
4. Tibet sure is beautiful

Hope you all are have a good end of February. I will post some of my travel adventures later. I have a Losar party with the teaching staff this morning.
