Sunday, September 13, 2009


Now, space is a sacred thing in the west. We value our space. Don't get in it, keep the bubble, this is my land, this land ain't your land... I could go on. However this is not true in Tibet. When camping in the US our usual goal is to find a spot far away from everyone else. This isn't necessarily the case. I guess while our thinking is the farther away from someone the better, perhaps their thinking is "this must be a good spot, other people are here. We don't want to miss out, lets join them." The good news is all of us have been in asia before. Most of us 5+ years. So having a family picnicking right next to our camp site and starring at us doesn't even phase us anymore. I wonder if this is how famous people live? You just get used to the stares.

Anywho, the camping trip was a lot of fun. We got to know each other a lot better and hopefully prepped ourselves for another semester on the rooftop. Tomorrow, my first class with the new freshman class. Here we go on another semester... Hope those students are ready for me.

campfire pics

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

another hard week

So this week I taught a total of one class. I know, I know, I am working too hard. But somehow I will get through it. Teacher's Day is Tomorrow so we have Thursday and Friday off. However my posh schedule is about to come to a halt, come Monday the freshmen will start classes. So although today was a very uneventful (I had office hours today... no one came.) I think this week of peace and relaxation will come to an end soon. In the meantime I have been looking up some of my favorite rock albums, catching up on some reading (Currently reading China Road), running, and doing a little Chinese and Tibetan language study. Tomorrow will be a traditional Tibetan picnic with the other teachers of my school. It should be a lot of fun. And who knows this weekend might include a little camping and rock climbing if the weather stays nice.

Hope you are all doing well.

Rooftop Out.

Friday, September 4, 2009

first week down.

First week of teaching, done. Well, it isn't as much of an accomplishment... Most of my classes are freshman classes and they won't start until the 13th. So I have a little bit of a half-holiday until then.

One thing i have been grateful for is my co-teaching class. This is where I actually get to teach side by side with a local teacher. It has been such an insightful process. The student-teacher relationship is very different from the US and also different from other parts of China. So to be able to not only watch but participate with that process with a local teacher helps me in relating to all my students. I hope these teaching relationships can be a great way to share about the important things of our lives.

Coming back to this city is always different. Things still seem tense but moving along. As I walk and bike the streets life is bustling right along. Riding my bike down the main road is just as death-defying as ever if not more! But it is nice to be back amongst it all.

Back In Lhasa - street craftsmen