My mom did have to take an emergency trip to the hospital due to some problems with her gall bladder. Apparently it has been a problem for a while but my mom just dismissed it as stomach problems and moved on. When they finally got an ultrasound the technician said she has only seen it this bad in text books. So we went quickly to the hospital and started the process of surgery that ended up taking almost 6 days start to finish. She is back home and is moving around more and more and getting back into her garden.
I am very thankful for His timing. Some family friends were over for breakfast and Mom's was having some pain. She described the pain to our friends and Tom, who had recently had his gall bladder removed, suggested that my mom's pain sounded very similar to what he experienced. So later that day she went to see the family doctor and before we knew it she was getting a surgery the next morning. Everything worked out, but we are grateful for His timing.